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I never would've thought...

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Mike2.jpgby Mike Napierala, PT, SCS, CSCS, FAFS

That’s exactly what a really nice lady recently told me in the clinic.  She was sharing a story about her first time back driving after being restricted during her post-operative phase following knee fracture surgery. 

Let's call her Mary. Mary was really eager to resume driving. She wasn't having much pain. Her motion was improving. Strength was coming along. She was using a walker but was getting tired of relying on others. 

She had the mobility and the strength to apply the brakes, which was the most limiting task for her injured leg to deal with when it comes to driving. So Mary figured that when she had the green light to drive (ha…extra credit to those who picked up on that unintended pun!), that she would just start driving.  

I actually advised her to go into an empty parking lot (preferably not near my car parked outside Peak Performance :). She needed to test her ability to apply the brakes quickly and then at some increased speeds. We talked about being ready for the “what if’s” that could happen. That ball that suddenly rolls across the street from a driveway full of kids playing…an unexpected pothole…another driver slamming on their brakes in front of you on the 490. Tons of possible scenarios that she might have to respond to quickly.

Mary was so excited to get her independence back.  Driving meant she was back in at least some control.  Who can fault her for that, right?  

Her next visit she came in and told me she had a story for me.  And it started like this….

“I never would’ve thought…”

She proceeded to tell me that on her very first drive through neighborhood streets (after she’d done the parking lot practice like a teen preparing for their driver’s test!) she had a dog unexpectedly dash across the street right in front of her.  She slammed on the brakes and avoided hitting the dog. Whew!  

But it was a great reminder to take small steps and always test yourself with a bit of "less than" first before you just go rushing back into full duty after you've been off for a bit. Mary was sure glad she could confidently slam on those brakes. 

But it was a great reminder to take small steps and always test yourself with a bit of "less than" first before you just go rushing back into full duty after you've been off for a bit. Mary was sure glad she could confidently slam on those brakes...and I'm sure so was that dog!

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