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Do You Feel Lucky?: Part II

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Last time I told you about Bob...Remember him?

He was the business owner who came in for Physical Therapy because his back pain stopped him from concentrating on his business.

Bob's symptom of pain was relieved in just 3 visits and he decided he was "good to go."

I wanted you to realize that just because your pain has gone under the radar that sometimes many of the same problems that REALLY CAUSED your problem to begin with are still lurking inside ready to, little by little, cause your “injury” and eventually your pain to come back again.

It often takes just a few more visits to shore up a solid home program to help you address some of those underlying PROBABLE SUSPECTS that we find in our evaluations.  Keep in mind, we can't always address or even find those causes initially until your pain is reduced enough.

But if a patient like Bob feels so great with his pain lessened and then stops Physical Therapy before we can more fully address those PROBABLE SUSPECTS, then I'm afraid that someday down the road he's likely to have to see me again for the same thing.

I think Bob was hoping he'd luck out in the future and that everything would stay all right.

In a similar case, John stayed pain free for the first four weeks after he left.  Then one day, as he was bending over to pick up a piece of paper, his luck ran out! You have heard this story from someone else I am sure, because it is something we hear a lot too. “I just bent down to pick up something small and insignificant and then BAM!”

The good news is with some strengthening and some education, John and Bob won't need to rely on luck anymore.  They would have the tools, skills, strength, and knowledge now to keep their backs symptom free!

So the famous question, “Do you feel lucky today? Well, do ya?” should be saved for Clint Eastwood. Arm yourself with what you need to maintain your function and keep yourself pain free!

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