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Recently Sprained an Ankle?

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Recently Sprained an Ankle?

"It's that time of the year, cross country, football, volleyball, field hockey, tennis...ankle sprains are a common injury in many Fall sports for our local high school and college athletes"

A study in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy found individuals who experience mild to  moderate ankle sprains and receive standard emergency room care (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) may show continuous muscle weakness and lack of motion.  

 Management of ankle sprains beyond the typical emergency room care may be necessary.

 70-80% of physically active individuals will experience recurring ankle sprains

 40% of all acute ankle sprains are associated with reports of giving way or feeling weak

 We've found that lots of people - both athletes and non-athletes alike - tend to downplay the importance of an ANKLE SPRAIN.

"It's just a sprain" what we often hear. Unfortunately, unresolved or inadequate recovery from ankle sprains can lead to recurring instability that takes you away from your favorite activities or work, and potentially contribute to earlier or advanced degenerative (arthritic) changes down the road.

Our PT's often find that poorly recovered or rehab'd ankle sprains can be a big contributing factor to future knee pains, hip problems, back conditions, and even upper body injuries - for example, a shoulder or elbow problem in a throwing athlete, because the lack of full motion or balance/stability, or strength....or all of them, leads to other body parts having to compensate.

If you've had or someone you know has had an ankle sprain recently and is wondering what to do for it or isn't feeling totally back to normal yet, GIVE US A CALL at 218-0240- we'd be happy to help get you back to your best in your favorite activities!

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