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7 Things You Need To Know About Knee Rehab

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karennapierala-290x300.jpg                                                                       Karen Napierala, MS, AT, PT    
  7 Things You Need To Know About Knee Rehab


Hello everyone! Each newsletter I will be bringing you some tidbits of information to help you or your friends with their health needs.


While recently reading an article about knee replacements I decided to run some ideas by Robert. I bet you didn’t know that not only is Robert our awesome Office Manager here at Peak Performance but he is also a patient!!!   


About two years ago, before coming to work at Peak, Robert was involved in an accident.  He suffered a serious knee injury which lead him to surgery, and thus to our doors.  Robert was telling me about his journey into the unknown territory of Knee Rehabilitation.  There were things he wished he had known before he started the whole process and these seemed like universal concerns of our other patients.    



Like many of you, Robert had experienced the pain of his injury, the fear and uncertainty surrounding his surgery and his future. Robert had gone through the tireless work of recovery and rehab all to succeed in returning to his goals, to work and a productive life. He felt that if he had known some of these facts beforehand that it would have made the journey easier so Robert encouraged me to pass along these tips to you...


  â€œSEVEN SERIOUS…yet not so SECRET TIPS for Knee Rehab”


1. Get a specialist! You wouldn’t ask an auto repair man to fix your roof would you?! I

would like my roof done quickly and efficiently by a roofer who fixes roofs day in and

day out. You know… experienced, specialized!!


2. Fill up your tank! Be ready. If able, make certain that your body has the strength and

flexibility to handle the unexpected, or the upcoming. Even if it is your knee that is

undergoing surgery, your arms and core need to work overtime using crutches, a walker,

or just getting on and off the couch one legged! Not sure what to do…call us.


3. Set your Goals! What is it that you are limited from doing because of your injury and

condition? Do you want to play with your grandchildren on the floor, walk across a

grassy field, play sports, or just stand on one leg to get your pants on? Once you know

your goals, you and your therapist can work towards them.


4. Get involved! Pick a Physical Therapy clinic that you enjoy spending time in, since you

will be there two times a week to start for a little while. You will be able to be around

others like you recovering from surgeries or injuries also. You will be able to talk to your

PT, and just as importantly, speak with other people about their recovery process to gain

insight and reassurance in your progress.


5. Pain…..No Gain! If your doctor prescribes pain medications, take them! You are

having surgery not a picnic, some soreness should be expected. However, pain and

swelling reduce your ability to strengthen your quadriceps (you know the big muscles on

the front of your thighs that help you do just about everything!). Pain can also greatly

reduce your ability to make gains in the crucial ranges of motion you need to complete in

the first week after surgery. Less pain will get you more gain…really.


6. Take notes! Either you or a buddy will need to write some things down. It may seem

simple at the time but trust us there is a lot of information on the first visit or two and it

can be easy to forget. We encourage you to draw pictures or diagrams of your exercises.

You can also take pictures with your camera or cell phone to help you recall things later!


7. Own your program! Your doctor and your PT will give you all of the information,

instruction and support that you need to succeed but there is only one person who can

make it happen and that is Y-O-U! We can encourage, motivate and help you while you

are here at Peak Performance PT but outside of the building it is your knee, your

program. Own it. Do it. It’s not always easy but if you follow their instructions you

will be on your way to a successful recovery!


Hope these tips were helpful. We will talk again next month!

Until then…please take care of yourself.




Click the link below to save or print this article for yourself or a friend!


"SEVEN SERIOUS yet not so SECRET TIPS about Knee Rehab"


Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call 585-218-0240 

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