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I wanna let you in on a secret!

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Mike3.jpgby Mike Napierala, PT, SCS, CSCS, FAFS

How's this sound to you?

1. More expensive
2. More time consuming
3. More frustrating
4. More irritating
5. More depressing
6. (Need I go on?)

Having to be patient with an injury or surgery recovery is such a hassle. Sometimes it feels like what lies ahead is such a long journey. Such a burden. Not something to look forward to, right?

So you might ask:


Well, here's the SECRET. It all comes down to this one key truth. Just a simple equation is all you need to know!


+ Add the GOOD

It just can't get better than that. At least in terms of what controls you have on your recovery. You see, we don't believe that healing you is an ability that's in our hands. No, that's far beyond the things us mere mortals are capable of. 

But to the extent you can impact your own well being these two truths CANNOT BE MISSED! 

You've got to stop getting in your own way, as I often tell people. Pushing through the pain. Moving in similar ways and in similar activities as how you originally hurt yourself. Ignoring the pain or the limping or compensations and contortions you go through to just get by.

Come on, take a good look in the mirror and JUST ADMIT it.

You're hurt. You've got an injury.  Something isn't working right! It's okay. That happens to all of us from time to time. 

And toughing it through some minor discomfort is often just fine. So many twinges, from minor bumps and bruises just heal up and disappear on their own. No need to run into the Emergency Dept or your favorite doctor's office for every little thing you ever feel. 

But if something is pretty significant or severe, or is lingering beyond days and not improving, it just might be time to get some help. You don't have to be Superman or Superwoman or Super Teen. You're probably not next in line for the Presidential Medal of Valor for forging onward. 

In fact, you may just be digging a deeper hole that's going to make this whole thing:

  • More expensive
  • More time consuming
  • More frustrating
  • More irritating
  • More depressing
  • (need I go on?)

Take away the BAD! 

That's Step 1. Stop making it worse. Stop guaranteeing trouble. Okay. Now what's next? Make sure to Add the GOOD!

What's that mean, you say? Well, that can come in many forms. But it usually means doing something proactive about your injury, your pain, or your limitations. 

You've got plenty of options for the next right step.  For some it will be contacting their Primary Care Physician. For others it may mean going straight to see an Orthopedist or Neurologist for specialty level testing. 

Most musculoskeletal problems aren't surgical, though. That's great news for you!

So for many of you, a next right step can be Directly Accessing a Physical Therapist. The benefits are that you can get quality orthopedic testing to help understand better what is going on and you can begin treatment right away. If most problems don't require surgery, then what sort of treatment do they require?

Non-operative care!

Physical Therapy is one of the tops on that list of options. You can cut to the chase and begin treatment quickly. Studies have shown that accessing PT early can save money and time in your recovery. And, if your PT's evaluation and monitoring of your issues suggests further medical work-up is called for, then they can be an advocate for you in communicating important findings to your PCP or to a specialist, depending on what's best for you. 

BUT REMEMBER, the equation requires BOTH removing the BAD and adding the GOOD!

If you leave out either one of those, you're guaranteeing yourself a slower recovery back to feeling Capable, Comfortable, and Confident once again. 

Think about this example. You cut on your arm. You do the good and clean it and cover it with a bandage. GOOD STUFF, right? 

But then you can't help but check it a few days later and while picking at the scab, it starts bleeding again. Ugh! BAD STUFF, right? 

Keep that up and that cut will never heal!

Same cut..but imagine this. What if you avoid all the irresponsibility of checking the wound 2 days later and picking at the scab BUT you don't bother to wash it out and never cover it.  You never did the good stuff and the chances for trouble are going up, right?

YOUR FASTEST RECOVERY = Take away the BAD + Add the GOOD


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